Category Archives: Politics

All change in the Duchy in UK Commons election 2024

Tory Free Zone In the UK House of Commons General Election in July 2024 the Tories were completely wiped out in the Duchy (all 6 losing. The new MPs coming…

[Mebyon Kernow] John Rowe is the real alternative to the Conservative Party in Camborne North by-election

Mebyon Kernow’s John Rowe is  the real alternative to the Conservative Party in Camborne North by-election. Mebyon Kernow – the Party for Cornwall has selected John Rowe to stand in…

Cornwall and Scilly LEP bid approved

The bid for a Local Enterprise Partnership for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly has been approved.

Tamar Rally makes a clear statement

Hundreds of Cornish people have protested against the Devonwall constituency proposals.

Rally to Keep Cornwall Whole!

A rally is planned to protest the Devonwall constituency.

“Devonwall Bill” passes to next stage

The bill that proposes a cross-border Cornwall and Devon constituency has passed its second reading in Parliament.