The UK Quango, called Natural England, (aka English Nature) is an Executive Non-departmental Public Body responsible to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. “Our purpose is to protect and improve England’s natural environment and encourage people to enjoy and get involved in their surroundings”.
“We work with people such as farmers, town and country planners, researchers and scientists, and the general public on a range of schemes and initiatives. Environmental Stewardship is an agri-environment scheme that provides funding to farmers and other land managers in England to deliver effective environmental management on your land. Higher Level Stewardship involves more complex types of management and agreements are tailored to local circumstances. HLS applications will be assessed against specific local targets and agreements will be offered where they meet these targets and represent good value for money.” So much for officialspeak …

Large longhorn cattle graze on Cornish moorlands where animals of that size they have never grazed before
Well Natural England, you must be doing something wrong when in moorland and wild country across England, in the Duchy of Cornwall, and on the isles of Scilly … ordinary people are saying enough!
Take your so-called ‘stewardship’ out of our lands, and stop vandalising our ancient monuments (ie. our ancestors homes and special places), our heritage!
Carry away your fencing and barbed wire, grids and gates, and those cattle and ponies that have never grazed here in our ancient homelands before. Also free up the moors for access for local and long-distance walkers and riders again.
You must also be doing something wrong when you have a song written, telling you just that! A song written not in the settled meadows of Kent or Surrey, not even in the moors of Cornwall or Scilly, but all the way across the Atlantic Ocean in North America! You are being watched, from around the globe!
Stones and Cattle- click on the link below to hear the song –
©2011 by Jim Wearne
Sing along with Jim ….
I dream of Texas longhorns,
Roaming o’er the plains,
Panting in the sunshine,
Steaming in the rain.
On the Texas prairie,
God’s own out-of-doors,
What then are they doing,
Here on Penwith Moor?
Yippee Ti-Yi-Yay,
If the English have their way,
Fences, gates and cattle grids,
Will all be here to stay.
Yippee Ti-Yi-Yo,
English Nature’s got to go,
Cornwall’s for the Cornish,
And we’ve got to tell them so.
The ancient stones are standing,
Where they have always been,
Older than the pyramids,
Older than the Queen.
Still the cattle trample,
The stones into the clay,
English Nature yawns and shrugs,
And says that it’s OK.
Yippee Ti-Yi-Yay,
If the English have their way,
Fences, gates and cattle grids,
Will all be here to stay.
Yippee Ti-Yi-Yo,
English Nature’s got to go,
Cornwall’s for the Cornish,
And we’ve got to tell them so.
Who was it decided,
To build the fences here,
And graze the giant cattle,
Instead of sheep and deer?
Their cattle are destroying,
Our ancient sites and land,
Who told English Nature,
That they were in command?
Yippee Ti-Yi-Yay,
If the English have their way,
Fences, gates and cattle grids,
Will all be here to stay.
Yippee Ti-Yi-Yo,
English Nature’s got to go,
Cornwall’s for the Cornish,
And we’ve got to tell them so.
Cornwall’s for the Cornish,
The Moors and stones are ours,
England’s got no say at all,
No rights or Royal powers.
Just get out of Cornwall’s way,
Our future’s in our hands,
We’ll decide on what is best,
For our great Cornish lands.
Yippee Ti-Yi-Yay,
If the English have their way,
Fences, gates and cattle grids,
Will all be here to stay.
Yippee Ti-Yi-Yo,
English Nature’s got to go,
Cornwall’s for the Cornish,
And we’ve got to tell them so.
[This song and its lyrics are copyright to Jim Wearne – public use or airplay for the purpose of drawing attention to the issue of Save Penwith Moors, Save Our Scilly, or similar campaigns in England is acceptable – all other rights and usage reserved) For more songs from Jim, like ‘This Isn’t England’, ‘Emmets’ and ‘Mushy Peas’, go to:
More information:
To complain to Natural England:
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – | Rt Hon Caroline Spelman MP |
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 4189
Fax: 020 7219 0378
Nadelik Lowen, ha Bledhen Nowyth Da!
(Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!)
Kernow bys vyken
From the team across the world ..
Loaded to e-magazine by the Editor on 23 December, 2011 in support of ‘Save Penwith Moors’ and ‘Save Our Scilly’.
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