All lawful UK complaint procedures exhausted on moor ‘vandalism’

The local action group Save Penwith Moors has reported that their campaign, begun in July 2008, has now exhausted all lawful UK complaint procedures – from all management levels within Natural England to the Parliamentary Ombudsman − without gaining any recognition or acceptance of their complaints and suggestions that are acknowledged by many hundreds of supporters as sincere and genuine.

SPM therefore intend to progress their core complaint (lack of any public consultation) to the Aarhus Compliance Committee in that the UK Government, through its environmental agency DEFRA, allegedly failed to ensure that Natural England adhered to European legally binding articles of the Aarhus Convention (Pillar 2) concerning public consultation in environmental matters, and that this brings the lawfulness of all HEATH Project infrastructure installed throughout West Penwith into question.

We need as many people as possible to realise what is happening throughout West Cornwall.

Please help us to ensure the moorland heartland of West Penwith is kept free of new fencing and grazing. 2012 is likely to be a critical year

SPM note that the Laws and regulations broken so far by Natural “England” in their HEATH & High Level Stewardship schemes for West Penwith, include:

The Highways Act (3 times); the CRoW Act, the Commons Act, the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act, criminal trespass, laws relating to access for the disabled, British Standards…and the list is lengthening.

Laws and regulations broken so far by Save Penwith Moors:


For more information:


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