Kernewek fights on – Skians Conference coming up

A gowetha / Dear all,  Keskussulyans Skians (Rosweyth Hwithrans Yeth Kernewek) a vydh synsys yn 2016 dhe dhy’ Gwener 30ves mis Gwynngala / 1a mis Hedra. Yma galow rag paperyow a-dro dhe’n…

Support a visible and peaceful protest against overdevelopment

Dear Friends, First a “thank you” for those sharing the petition so widely on social media; we’ve had over 13,000 shares on Facebook and nearly 6,500 petition signatures. As…

A Cultural Insult a Day?

Are those upcountry trying to crank up the cultural insults rate of fire to one a day, or just two a week? Following on from the UK Government’s inexplicable killing…

Our Grand Bard condemns UK Government’s indifference to Cornish culture

Gorsedh Kernow is appalled at the UK Government’s decision not to support the Cornish language. Railing against the recent withdrawal of funding in support of one of Cornwall’s unique cultural…

The Cornish language – why should Britain care?

By CRAIG WEATHERHILL · MONDAY, 25 APRIL 2016 The ancient monuments of Britain’s landscape are loved, nurtured and cared for. Every year, thousands of people descend on the great stone…

UK Government betrays Cornish language community

On Thursday 21 April, 2016 Cornwall Council issued a bombshell press release, the main points as follows: “The Government has provided up to £150,000 a year to support the Cornish…

“Historic site consent process unfit for purpose” says Grand Bard

Speaking at the Proclamation Ceremony announcing St Keverne as the site of the 2016 Open Gorsedh, the newly installed Grand Bard Telynor an Weryn (Dr Merv Davey) evoked one of…

Official vandalism by that ‘heritage’ charity from the nation next door

Non Cornish qango ‘English (sic) Heritage’ has commissioned a carving of Merlin in rocks at Tintagel Castle. The sleeping face of the legendary wizard has been carved at the entrance…

Selling Cornwall by the Pound

Housing Requirement for Cornwall: Who’s having the say? CORNWALL COUNCIL DRAFT LOCAL (HOUSING) PLAN OR:  SELLING CORNWALL BY THE POUND By Craig Weatherill For this, and true to their accustomed…

Make 2016 – The year of Cornish recognition

Mebyon Kernow – The Party for Cornwall (MK) has challenged the Westminster political parties to make 2016 “the year of Cornish recognition.” At the first meeting of the Party’s Executive…