County, Duchy, Nation or Country? The Case For Cornwall!

by Craig Weatherhill     Introduction FOR many decades, Cornwall has been the poor relation in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  It vies with the west of…

What have Westminster and Cornwall’s UK MPs got against us, the Cornish?

It will be well known that Cornwall faces a threat to its ancient border and that a cross border Westminster Parliamentary Constituency, commonly known as ‘Devonwall’ is proposed, bringing together…

Gwithewgh Kernow Kowal! – Keep Kernow Whole!

Gorsedh Kernow says “Gwithewgh Kernow Kowal! – Keep Kernow Whole!” The Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Act 2011 stated that the number of seats in the UK parliament should be…

New: Cornish Bards of Australia and New Zealand/Berdh Kernow Ostrali ha Mordir Nowydh

NEW Gorsedh Kernow publication Cornish Bards of Australia and New Zealand/Berdh Kernow Ostrali ha Mordir Nowydh The book’s preamble says: “Cornish men and women settled in many parts of the…

Gorsedh Kernow Esedhvos (Festival of Cornish Culture)

The Gorsedh Kernow Esedhvos Festival of Cornish Culture promotes and celebrates Cornwall’s distinctive cultural identity and Celtic heritage. The Cornish equivalent of the Welsh Eisteddfod and Breton Gorsedd, it is…

Holyer an Gof 2016 Award winners announced

Gorsedh Kernow has announced the winners of the annual Holyer an Gof competition at a prestigious Awards ceremony held on Tuesday 12th July, hosted by Waterstones of Truro with special…

Cornwall is OUT!

Thursday’s dramatic and historic referendum on the member state United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) leaving the European Union (EU) has resulted in an OUT vote in…

Our language communities benefit from Europe

An open letter – Our language communities benefit from our European Union membership BREXIT “POTENTIALLY DISASTROUS” FOR UK’S LESSER-USED LANGUAGES We, as representatives of the indigenous lesser-used languages in Britain…

No to breaching our border for Parliament

Cornwall Council today voted overwhelmingly to support a proposal to lobby central government to amend the Parliamentary and Voting System Act 2011 to ensure that a cross-Tamar ‘Devonwall’ parliamentary seat…

Take your Inquiry and be gone Mr Emerson

To the Cornwall Local Plan Examination Held 09:30 Tuesday 17th May, 2016 Atlantic Hotel, Dane Road, Newquay TR7 1EN An Open Submission – the basis of Mike Chappel’s evidence for…