Cornish American Cousins changeover

Outgoing Cornish American Heritage Society President Tommi       O’Hagan reported from the Gathering in Mineral Point last month; “I am happy now to introduce to you the new president, Thomas Rusch. Tom is very proud of his Cornish blood and the son of Marvin and Fran Rusch, two pioneers in the founding and maintaining of the CAHS and the Cornish Society of Greater Milwaukee. He has been exposed to ―Cornishness – for most of his life”.

“Tom lives in Watertown, Wisconsin, where he teaches German, Spanish and some French, and he has also taught Swedish and Esperanto. At this Gathering he presented ―Cornish Language 101 – giving basics on how to get started in learning the Cornish language. I‘ve known Tom for many years and am confident he will be an excellent President”.

“Also new to our roster of Officers is Jackie Marrone of Denver, Colorado who has agreed to serve as secretary. Jackie, too, has a firm sense of her Cornish heritage and has been a long-time member of CAHS and active in the Colorado Cornish as well”.

Tommi, and Tom

“Please welcome these new officers!”

“Continuing as 1st Vice President is Nancy Heydt of Florida who is a past officer of CAHS with many years of experience. Dick Baker of Wisconsin will continue as historian and add materials such as newsletters to our library and Archives held at UW – Platteville. We are fortunate to have Ron Carbis continuing as Treasurer/ Membership Chairman. Ron is the guy who keeps our website up to date as well. We‘re grateful to Ron for the many jobs he does and does well!”
Reprinted from Tam Kernewek, ‘Fall’ edition 2011, the newsletter of Cornish American Heritage Society

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16 September, 2011