[Celtic Council of Australia] Census 2011 – The Celts want to be counted!

It is Census Time in Australia, and the Celts want to be counted!

That’s what the Celtic Council of Australia (CCA) is saying for an estimated six and a half million Australians, leading up to Census night, August 9.

An umbrella cultural and educational organisation bringing together groups from across the Celtic spectrum, the Celtic Council represents Irish, Scots, Cornish, Welsh, Manx, Bretons, Galicians, and Asturians in Australia.

Combined they have an estimated ‘ethnic strength’ of 28% of Australians (or 6.5 million); and as many as 50% of our country will have a modern Celt somewhere in their recent family tree.

The CCA is actively encouraging those born in those Celtic nations, and those with such ancestors in their family, to acknowledge their background/s with pride and complete three questions in Australia’s 2011 Census, to be held on Tuesday 9 August :

Question 12 (Personal form 14) – Country of origin? People born connected to one or more of those nations mentioned, should use them on their form, either via a tick box (if there is one) or write in appropriately.

Q 14 & 15 (Birthplace of Father & Mother)

Q 16 & 17 (Languages) – Speaking a Celtic language, even a little but on a regular basis, people should write that in appropriately.

Celtic Council of Australia National Convenor, Mrs Margaret Sharpe, herself of Manx heritage, said that – “In previous censuses many people have recognised their Celtic background, but we know from the high interest in Celtic heritage, and research work, that Australia’s census has under-counted”.

We are saying to all who share that wonderful and ancient heritagebe counted!, she added.

The Australian Census underpins government, private institution, and community recognition, services, and at times funding.

The Council also encourages people to consider saying ‘yes’ to their census forms being kept in the ‘time capsule’ (Q 60). Security is guaranteed and the information will aid genealogists, historians, academics, social analysts and other researchers in the twenty–second century. In 99 years, individuals will also have access to enable them to research their family history.

Celtic Council of Australia

Established in 1982; Incorporated in NSW 2001 (No 9876764) ABN 77 927 169 457


For Release: Immediate

Date issued: 26 July, 2011

For more information contact:

Contact name: Mr Chris Dunkerley, Deputy Convenor

Telephone: 0409 393 059

email: kevrenor@ozemail.com.au